NWAEP Lunch & Learn
A Novel Web accessible GIS toolkit for Forestry Planning and Analysis
Presented by David Diaz, Forestry Program Manager, EcoTrust
Please join us for this next PDX Lunch and Learn presentation featuring Forestry Program Manager, EcoTrust, who will be discussing a web accessible GIS based toolkit for Forestry Planning and Analysis.
Digital mapping, geospatial data analysis, growth-and-yield models, and optimization algorithms are now common tools of the forestry trade, but the wealth of these technologies has not been broadly shared. In 2014, Ecotrust launched Forest Planner, a web application designed to start bridging this digital divide for forest owners in Oregon and Washington. At its core, Forest Planner is a scenario planning tool, providing a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ format for landowners to investigate the economic and environmental outcomes and tradeoffs from a variety of forest management practices customized to their own unique property. After a little more than one year in operation, Forest Planner has garnered hundreds of active users, and is being honed to support cooperative forestry initiatives and the certification of carbon sequestration by small landowners.

David Diaz is Forestry Program Manager at Portland-based Ecotrust, where he has led forest modeling, conservation project design, and stakeholder engagement and outreach for Ecotrust’s forestry decision support services for the past three years. He has extensive experience in forest ecosystem service markets, particularly carbon markets, through previous work for The Climate Trust on carbon credit origination and contracting, and as lead reporter on forest carbon science, markets, and policies around the world for the Ecosystem Marketplace program at Forest Trends. David holds an M.S. in Soil Science from Oregon State University and a B.A. in Environmental History from Harvard. He lives in Portland’s Woodlawn neighborhood with his wife Abby, and with the hands-down best office dog in Portland, Maddy.

Please note that the actual talk will start promptly at 12:00. However, we encourage everyone to join us for some friendly discussion and networking starting at 11:30.
Please join NWAEP in Portland, OR for this Lunch & Learn discussion by registering and reserving a spot! The event will be available in Seattle via webinar, hosted at Anchor QEA (720 Olive Way, Suite 1900). Free for Members and $10 for Non-Members. Please e-mail Lindsay Mico (lindsaymico@gmail.com) if you have any questions. 
Interested in becoming a member? Visit http://www.nwaep.org for more details!