All Aboard!
Would you like to deepen your involvement with the Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals? Meet new people in your field and encourage others to do the same? If you've ever wanted to stretch your leadership wings while you help others in your field, this is a great way to get started.
Applications for candidates willing to serve on the NWAEP Board of Directors will be accepted until 6pm on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. This year, four of the seven board positions need to be filled. Any NWAEP member in good standing* may put themselves forward for election. Though there are no location requirements to serve, ideally the board will be include a mix of Washington and Oregon-based members. Board members serve two-year terms.
*Please notify us at if NWAEP membership dues pose a barrier to your candidacy.
Serving on the NWAEP board brings great rewards, both to you and your fellow environmental professionals. The continued vitality of our organization relies on this important work; we hope you will consider making a commitment to NWAEP by serving on the board.
As a board member you would:
Participate in quarterly board meetings and regular email discussions
Plan, promote, and/or attend NWAEP-sponsored educational and social events
Raise awareness of volunteerism within NWAEP
Celebrate professional excellence in the environmental field
Support NWAEP programs that encourage the young people in the field (you may even help choose our next DEI Scholarship winner!)
Enhance our organization using your unique skills, ideas, and abilities
If you are interested in becoming a NWAEP Board member, please prepare a short candidate statement (i.e. 2-3 paragraphs) describing your field of work, years of experience, past and present involvement in NWAEP/NAEP, and your vision for the chapter during your term in office, and submit it using our handy form (below) or online, or email your statement to
Submit your candidate bio by 6pm on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Elections to be held May 6-13, 2024. Board members will be selected by the general NWAEP membership via an online vote. Winners will be notified by email.
Not ready to be a board member? We are always looking for volunteers to help with programs, membership, and website upkeep.
Note: NWAEP is committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We strive to serve the diverse and underrepresented communities in the Northwest by strengthening the recruitment, retention, and success of diverse students and professionals pursuing careers in environmental and other STEM-related fields. We are listening and our goal is to foster a culture within our organization and leadership where diversity is celebrated and intentionally recognized. NWAEP welcomes and derives value from the variety of views and backgrounds that our diverse members and partner organizations represent. In valuing diversity, NWAEP will act to foster open communication of diverse perspectives, experiences, and interests from all different backgrounds.