NAEP In-Person NEPA Workshops
Essentials: Sunday, April 27, 2025 • 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (EST)
In-person, Charleston SC
If you need guidance on changing NEPA policy, you're in luck! Our friends at NAEP are presenting in-person NEPA Workshops in Charleston, SC. This will be co-located with the National Conference and Training Symposium, but registration and fees are separate. See registration website for details.
You're also in luck in that NWAEP members receive a discount on these workshops!
NEAP Essentials Workshop
NEPA Advanced Workshop
The target audience for this workshop includes experienced NEPA planners, managers, decision-makers, environmental engineers/scientists/specialists, consultants, regulators, applicants, and attorneys who require an in-depth understanding of NEPA law, policy, and project management within their area of environmental expertise, especially those who serve on NEPA interdisciplinary teams, work with NEPA planners, or those who review/edit NEPA documents.
For pricing & registration information, or to register for this workshop, visit the NAEP website.
Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals • PO Box 11583, Portland, OR 97211 • TheNWAEP at gmail dot com