NWAEP Seattle – April 4 Elysian Sampler Mixer at the Elysian Brewery, Capitol Hill
For this month’s First Thursday Mixer, NWAEP is hosting a taster at the Elysian Brewery on Capitol Hill from 5:30-7 PM on April 4! At this mixer, we will be taste-testing several of Elysian’s unique beverages with the Elysian brewmaster himself! As usual, NWAEP will pick up the first round for existing and potential NWAEP members. This is not to be missed!
This event is part of the monthly first-Thursday mixers and is free to members and non-members, so please bring a friend. As usual, come prepared with ideas for upcoming presentations and events. Thanks to everybody who showed up at the last event, it was well attended and we were able to generate some great ideas for upcoming events.
Elysian Brewery, Capitol Hill
1221 E Pike St
Seattle, WA 98122
Please RSVP to Josh Jensen at jjensen@anchorqea.com, or call (206) 930-1674.
Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals • PO Box 11583, Portland, OR 97211 • TheNWAEP at gmail dot com