The National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) invites you to attend an educational webinar on “The National Environmental Policy Act and Sustainability.” This webinar addresses the incorporation of sustainability measures and metrics into NEPA documents and the progress of environmental and energy sustainability in federal agencies. Sustainability will be discussed from the viewpoint of an expert NEPA practitioner, a professional institution, the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI), and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). ISI offers certification in Envision™, an infrastructure rating system developed to help designers, builders and infrastructure owners build and direct infrastructure projects toward increasing levels of sustainability. An increasing number of local governments are now requesting Envision™ expertise in their Request for Proposals. How can these concepts be applied to NEPA documents for infrastructure projects? Should there be a framework for incorporating sustainability ratings into NEPA environmental reviews of infrastructure projects?
Our panel of experienced speakers is as follows:
Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals • PO Box 11583, Portland, OR 97211 • TheNWAEP at gmail dot com