National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) presents:
NEPA Case Law Update
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 12:00 noon PT
Duration: Event will last 90 minutes, includes Q&A
Portland, OR: HDR, 1001 SW 5th Ave #1800
Seattle, WA: Anchor QEA, 720 Olive Way #1900
If you'd like to watch the webinar from your own desk, please register directly through NAEP, here.
Attendance is free for NWAEP members and $10 for non-members. Register here.
This webinar, presented by P.E. Hudson (Pam Ellen Hudson), Department of the Navy, Office of General Counsel, and Dr. Michael D. Smith of AECOM, will provide an overview of the paper authored by Lucinda Low Swartz and Ms. Hudson discussing the key NEPA federal appellate court decisions issued in 2014. In 2014, the U.S. Courts of Appeal issued 22 substantive decisions involving implementation of NEPA by federal agencies. The 22 cases involved 11 different departments and agencies, and covered a variety of issues including purpose and need, alternatives, supplementation requirements, cumulative impacts, and public involvement. The federal agencies prevailed in 19.5 of the 22 cases (89 percent). Opinions will be analyzed for their implications and relevance to NEPA practitioners, with an emphasis on key lessons to be learned for improving NEPA practice.
Nicholas Yost, Dentons, LLP
P.E. Hudson, Counsel, DoN, OGC and NAEP Member
Michael D. Smith, AECOM and NAEP Member